Vintage Bridge Style - Retro Fashion on a Bohemian Budget

Vintage Bridge Style in pink script with two svg images of yellow butterflies and photo of Bridget Eileen wearing a yellow 1950s style party dress with petticoat and pink accessories as well as red hair set in victory rolls

Vintage Bridge Style: Retro Fashion on a Bohemian Budget

a plus size pin up bargain hunter beauty blog

Frugal adventures in vintage fashion and beauty on a budget, from Bridget Eileen

Every day I try to make a stylish statement. It comes fairly easily to me, plus I find embracing body positive, age positive, sex positive, femininity to be thrillingly empowering.

It's fun to share the stories of my life and style adventures; however, I have to do all this on what I call a "Bohemian Budget." Being a Poet/Blogger isn't a lucrative endeavor, so I've developed a keen eye for the good deal.

After years of casually sharing my flair for retro style, I decided it might be worth it to make an official site for all my DIY style adventures in: everyday pinup style, sexy plus size outfits and plus size vintage style outfits for work, and pin up makeup and hair styling--and share my bohemian budget approach with the world-at-large in this formal capacity.

So! Welcome to Vintage Bridge Style, an age, body, and sex positive beauty blog that provides people with inspiring ideas for Plus-Size Vintage Witchy Fashion on a bohemian budget, run by Bridget Eileen.